This post describes project progress since the Internship progress post in more detail than the Internship reflection post.

Add and update zeroed memory checks

Since the Internship progress post, I updated the following patch:

Update tests to check if memblock_alloc zeroed memory

This patch adds an assert in memblock_alloc() tests where allocation is expected to occur. In the previous version of this patch, the assert only checked the first byte of the memory area.

For example:

    	char *b;
    	allocated_ptr = memblock_alloc(size, SMP_CACHE_BYTES);
    	b = (char *)allocated_ptr;
    	ASSERT_EQ(*b, 0);

The current version of the patch checks whether the entire chunk of allocated memory is cleared using the following assert macro:

     * ASSERT_MEM_EQ():
     * Check that the first @_size bytes of @_seen are all equal to @_expected.
     * If false, print failed test message (if running with --verbose) and then
     * assert.
    #define ASSERT_MEM_EQ(_seen, _expected, _size) do { \
    	for (int _i = 0; _i < (_size); _i++) { \
    		ASSERT_EQ(((char *)_seen)[_i], (_expected)); \
    	} \
    } while (0)

To make this more robust, setup_memblock() and dummy_physical_memory_init() fill the entire MEM_SIZE simulated physical memory with nonzero values by calling fill_memblock():

    static inline void fill_memblock(void)
    	memset(memory_block.base, 1, MEM_SIZE);

Thus, the memory region is expected to contain only nonzero values at the start of the test.

Example of updated version:

    	allocated_ptr = memblock_alloc(size, SMP_CACHE_BYTES);
    	ASSERT_MEM_EQ(allocated_ptr, 0, size);

Update zeroed memory check for memblock_alloc_* tests

I then added the following patch:

  • memblock tests: update zeroed memory check for memblock_alloc_* tests

This patch updates the memblock_alloc_try_nid() and memblock_alloc_from() tests so that they check that the entire allocated memory region is cleared using the same method described above for memblock_alloc().

Update alloc_api and alloc_nid_api tests to test raw versions

Update alloc_api to test memblock_alloc_raw

As discussed in the Internship progress post, the proposed tests for memblock_alloc_raw were very similar to the tests for memblock_alloc. The main difference is that memblock_alloc() clears the allocated region, but memblock_alloc_raw() doesn’t clear it. One of my mentors suggested adding testing flags to cut down on repeated code.

    enum test_flags {
    	/* No special request. */
    	TEST_F_NONE = 0x0,
    	/* Perform raw allocations (no zeroing of memory). */
    	TEST_F_RAW = 0x1,

The tests can then check the currently set test_flags to determine which memblock function to run. This is done by replacing the memblock_alloc() call originally in the test with a call to run_memblock_alloc():

    static inline void *run_memblock_alloc(phys_addr_t size, phys_addr_t align)
    	if (alloc_test_flags & TEST_F_RAW)
    		return memblock_alloc_raw(size, align);
    	return memblock_alloc(size, align);

I replaced the assert checking whether the memory is cleared:

    	ASSERT_MEM_EQ(allocated_ptr, 0, size);


    	assert_mem_content(allocated_ptr, size, alloc_test_flags);

When the tests run memblock_alloc(), assert_mem_content() ensures that the entire memory region is zero. When the tests run memblock_alloc_raw(), assert_mem_content() ensures that the entire memory region is nonzero. The content of the memory region is initialized to nonzero by fill_memblock(). We expect it to remain unchanged if running memblock_alloc_raw().

    static inline void assert_mem_content(void *mem, int size, int flags)
    	if (flags & TEST_F_RAW)
    		ASSERT_MEM_NE(mem, 0, size);
    		ASSERT_MEM_EQ(mem, 0, size);

     * ASSERT_MEM_NE():
     * Check that none of the first @_size bytes of @_seen are equal to @_expected.
     * If false, print failed test message (if running with --verbose) and then
     * assert.
    #define ASSERT_MEM_NE(_seen, _expected, _size) do { \
    	for (int _i = 0; _i < (_size); _i++) { \
    		ASSERT_NE(((char *)_seen)[_i], (_expected)); \
    	} \
    } while (0)

Update alloc_nid_api to test memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw

I also updated the memblock_alloc_try_nid() tests to run tests for memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw(). The memblock_alloc_try_nid() call originally in the tests was replaced with a call to run_memblock_alloc_try_nid():

    static inline void *run_memblock_alloc_try_nid(phys_addr_t size,
    					       phys_addr_t align,
    					       phys_addr_t min_addr,
    					       phys_addr_t max_addr, int nid)
    	if (alloc_nid_test_flags & TEST_F_RAW)
    		return memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw(size, align, min_addr,
    						  max_addr, nid);
    	return memblock_alloc_try_nid(size, align, min_addr, max_addr, nid);

Add NUMA support

Add NUMA tests for memblock_alloc_try_nid*

I created a set of tests that use a simulated physical memory that is set up with multiple NUMA nodes. Additionally, most of these tests set nid != NUMA_NO_NODE. See for details about the tests.

setup_numa_memblock_generic() and setup_numa_memblock(), are used to set up a simulated physical memory with multiple NUMA nodes. These functions use a previously allocated dummy physical memory. They can be used in place of setup_memblock() in tests that need to simulate a NUMA system.

Updated version of setup_numa_memblock_generic() and setup_numa_memblock():

     * setup_numa_memblock_generic:
     * Set up a memory layout with multiple NUMA nodes in a previously allocated
     * dummy physical memory.
     * @nodes: an array containing the amount of memory in each node
     * @node_cnt: the size of @nodes
     * @factor: a factor that will be used to scale the memory in each node
     * The nids will be set to 0 through node_cnt - 1.
    void setup_numa_memblock_generic(const phys_addr_t nodes[],
    				 int node_cnt, int factor)
    	phys_addr_t base;
    	int flags;

    	base = (phys_addr_t)memory_block.base;
    	flags = (movable_node_is_enabled()) ? MEMBLOCK_NONE : MEMBLOCK_HOTPLUG;

    	for (int i = 0; i < node_cnt; i++) {
    		phys_addr_t size = factor * nodes[i];

    		memblock_add_node(base, size, i, flags);
    		base += size;

    void setup_numa_memblock(void)
    	setup_numa_memblock_generic(node_sizes, NUMA_NODES, MEM_FACTOR);

I added these tests to the current tests (range tests) for memblock_alloc_try_nid() and memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw().

Add tests for memblock_alloc_exact_nid_raw

Next, I added tests for memblock_alloc_exact_nid_raw(). The range tests are very similar to the range tests for memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw(). The NUMA tests have the same set up as the corresponding test for memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw(), but several of the memblock_alloc_exact_nid_raw() tests fail to allocate memory in setups where the memblock_alloc_try_nid_raw() test would allocate memory.

Add tests for memblock_alloc_node and memblock_set_node

The tests that I wrote for memblock_alloc_node() use a simulated physical memory set up with multiple NUMA nodes. The tests are run for both allocation directions.

The tests for memblock_set_node() attempt to set the nid for the regions within a given range. The test scenarios include tests where the region counter is expected to increase, decrease, or not change.

Add tests for memblock_alloc_range_nid

The tests for memblock_alloc_range_nid() are in progress.